He has to left no stone unturned in order to save his friends. In a tropical island between Indian and Pacific Ocean Pirates have kidnapped some of Jason’s friends. Far Cry 3 PC Game Overviewįar Cry 3 is an action adventure, first person shooter game that has also been developed by Ubisoft Montreal and is published by Ubisoft, a French multinational video game publishers. It’s an action and adventures first person shooter game. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is far too fancy.Far Cry 3 Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for windows. A bit like how ACE Team's Deadly Tower of Monsters has faux-fifties special effects mimicking stop-motion animation, hand-painted energy effects, and monsters who are clearly people squeezed into costumes. Me, I'd be more up for Far Cry 2: Blood Dragon, a grim, punishing sandbox with all the mirth and colour of Ronnie Reagan.Īctually, I would be delighted to see an eighties-o-rama aping the physical special effects, cobbled-together costumes, and wobbly sets of B-movies. Don't let ol' Grumpy Guts Alice Alice Bo-Balice Banana Fanna Fo-Falice Fee-Fy-Mo-Malice ruin your fun. I'm not into the wacky exagerrated eightiesness that's been all around in recent years, as I've grumbled before, but I do know plenty of folks who dug Blood Dragon. Our John wasn't best pleased with Blood Dragon's eighties-o-wack-wack-wicky-wack-wack-neon-laffo tone but beneath that, hey, it is still Far Cry 3 - not a bad foundation. Blood Dragon came out in 2013 and still costs £12 so that's not too shabby for the price of registering an account and launching the game through a daft but unobtrusive client. Others have included Rayman Oranges, The Crew, and Beyond Good & Evil. This is the latest freebie in Ubisoft's 30th birthday celebrations, where they've been giving away one game free on Uplay each month. It's silly and colourful, it has bad one-liners and honking great dragons who scream lasers, and it's free. Blood Dragon is a smaller spin-off from the sandbox FPS series, with all the trappings of What Is Broadly Accepted By Modern Pop Culture To Be What All Eighties Movies Were Like Even Though They, Y'Know, Weren't. Trot off this-a-way and you can get it for keepsies through Uplay. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Ubisoft's wacky '80s parody FPS, is free this month.